Our video, which is beautifully narrated
by one of our own "mish kids,"
is great to share with your congregation,
your circles, at PW gatherings, and more!
Mission Haven provides affordable short-term housing and friendly hospitality to mission co-workers of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Mission Haven furnishes a Clothes Closet of donated clothing for the missionary families as well as for students at local seminaries.
Mission Haven offers prayers and spiritual support and is located adjacent to Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia.
Mission Haven is supported and operated by Presbyterian Women in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee and is a 501 (c) (3) organization.

Three homes and six apartments, each completely furnished, are available for mission co-workers and their families.
When space permits, we also house international seminary students and mission co-workers who are in transition after retirement or at the end of their term.

Local volunteers ensure that each fully furnished residence is ready to welcome our mission co-workers when they arrive – clean bed linens, fresh towels, adequate kitchen supplies, and more.
Our residents enjoy returning to their home away from home and renewing friendships with others who serve in the mission field.

Our Clothes Closet provides nearly new and gently worn in-style clothing for all ages – and is available to all residents and seminary students.


We seek your prayers for the safety and effectiveness of our mission co-workers as they serve others.